The Naoto Fukasawa Leia lamp was inspired by the sophisticate of the grand piano. The Leia lamps come in either a high-gloss black or white, including a family of standing, table and reading lights. The body of the lamp is made of an impressive opal, sanitized art glass that can be dimmed or switched on or off independently, depending on what kind of illumination you want to achieve. The body is also an unintentional energy-saver. The base of the lights contrasts distinctly with the cover above it. The head of the warmly lit, halogen reading light can be tilted to allow the light beam to reflect at 35º.
designer: naoto fukasawa
producer: belux
material: opal glass
period: 2000s
Object ID: 2475
fukasawa (naoto) · glass · lighting · Producer A > K
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