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Your daily doses of design.
Oct 26, 2012« Back

Experiment 11a-b vase. Breaking the mould.

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Breaking The Mould conducted a series of experiments with glass, the most recent being the Experiment 11 a-b featured here. The vases are made of soda-lime glass, produced in two color gradients: amber for 11a and emerald for 11b. The process involved securing ceramic tissue onto a metal mold with clips. The objectives of the experiment were to test the thermal strength of the fabric after several uses, to use tooling and finishing typical from Murano ( the pieces were hand finished), and to allow for easy removal of the fabric from the glass. Once removed, the ceramic tissue leaves behind an interesting texture on the sides, contrasting with the smooth surfaces.

designer: breaking the mould
producer: salviati
material: soda-lime glass

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